Sport & Fitness EXPO on May 26 & 27
Prior to the Marathon on May 28th
As legend goes in about 490 BC the Persians were in the process of conquering much of the world and had their eyes set on going to war and taking over the Athenians in Greece.
The Athenians were vastly outnumbered something like 4 to 1 so they needed help to ward off the approaching Persian Army.
In desperation they needed to ask the Spartans to help in the fight.
Time was short, so the Athenian generals send "Phidippides", a professional runner, to Sparta to ask for help.
The 140 mile course was very mountainous and rugged. "Phidippides" ran the course in about 36 hours.
Sparta then agreed to help but said they would not take the battlefield until the moon was full due to religious laws.
This decision would leave the Athenians alone to fight the large Persian Army.
This decision would leave the Athenians alone to fight the large Persian Army.
"Phidippides" ran back to Athens again (another 140 miles!) with the disappointing news.
Immediately, the small Athenian Army (including "Phidippedes") having no choice marched to the plains of Marathon to prepare for battle.
Immediately, the small Athenian Army (including "Phidippedes") having no choice marched to the plains of Marathon to prepare for battle.
The Athenians mounted a surprise attack on the Persians and even though they were outnumbered they defeated the Persians handily so the Persians fled back after losing over 6,000 fighters vs about 200 of the Athenians, a butt whup'n extraordinaire.
Once again "Phidippides" was called upon to run to Athens (26 miles away) to carry the news of the victory.
Despite his fatigue after his recent run to Sparta and back, and having fought all morning in heavy armor, "Phidippides" rose to the challenge.
Pushing himself past normal limits of human endurance, he reached Athens in @ 3 hours, delivered his message and then died shortly thereafter from exhaustion. :-(
Many years later the modern Olympic Games introduced a
"marathon" race of (40,000 meters or 24.85 miles).
"marathon" race of (40,000 meters or 24.85 miles).
In the 1908 Olympic Games in London, the marathon distance was changed to 26 miles to cover the ground from Windsor Castle to White City stadium, with 385 yards added on so the race could finish in front of King Edward VII's royal box. Rank does have it's privileges..
Then 26.2 mile distance was established at the 1924 Olympics in Paris as the official marathon distance.
The IAAF world record for men today is 2:02:57, held by Dennis Kimetto of Kenya set on September 28, 2014, at the Berlin Marathon.
Slightly faster than I can run it, but he is much younger, and maybe if "Phidippides" had been able to partake of some the healthy and power generating "Cabot Products" his time could have been a lot better then.
But I'm not here today to run on my feet, but to run my mouth to extol the benefits of using Cabot Dairy Products and show our appreciation to the Cabot Farmers who work so hard to get their product from their Farms to Our Table as fast and as good as possible, and remember that they will never arrive tired and sweaty like "Phidippides" did either.
So enough of the history lets get the show on the road.
On your mark get set
We're off

Headed out Early Friday and it was just starting to rain and as I was driving on over to Burlington, Camels hump was totally unaware of the weather with its "head in the clouds".
Arrived there way to early as usual, you know how it goes by now.
Got right into getting the table set up.

Got a young heifer guarding the Whey Powder and she did a good job almost all weekend but some rustler over powered her sometime around midday Saturday I'm still looking for the culprit.ggrrrr.

Put some flags up for Memorial Day Weekend to honor those who gave all for those of us that are enjoying this weekend..
Chill'n Tub up and running.

A couple of my good neighbors were there like Costco

And Kinney Drugs

And Danforth's Pewter on my right.
Soon the crowds stated rolling in and ran heavy both days.
One of the many bright spots of the event was Erin Connor "Miss Vermont" stopped by and had some cheese and posed for a picture.
She was a very pretty, classy and accommodating young woman.

Headed out Early Friday and it was just starting to rain and as I was driving on over to Burlington, Camels hump was totally unaware of the weather with its "head in the clouds".
Arrived there way to early as usual, you know how it goes by now.
Got right into getting the table set up.
Got a young heifer guarding the Whey Powder and she did a good job almost all weekend but some rustler over powered her sometime around midday Saturday I'm still looking for the culprit.ggrrrr.
Put some flags up for Memorial Day Weekend to honor those who gave all for those of us that are enjoying this weekend..
Chill'n Tub up and running.
A couple of my good neighbors were there like Costco
And Kinney Drugs
And Danforth's Pewter on my right.
Soon the crowds stated rolling in and ran heavy both days.
One of the many bright spots of the event was Erin Connor "Miss Vermont" stopped by and had some cheese and posed for a picture.
She was a very pretty, classy and accommodating young woman.
And she ran the table for about 10 seconds :-)
Tom Messner from Channel 5 stopped by and had some cheese too.
This is a nonstop affair so I had a very busy (understatement) and fun filled weekend.
Met lots of old faithful Cabot Fans and some new ones as well, a Lady from Australia, and another couple from England both gave out high praise for the quality of the cheese.
Glad I could be a part of it.
Till next time.
Jim Ovr'n Out.
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