Well the Best Womens Slalom Skiers in the World were
in Killington VT. Over Thanksgiving Weekend for this World Cup Event.
In Addition and not wanting to be out done, we were there to serve up the
"Worlds Best Cheddar"
Had to get an early start everyday the first day we were allowed to drive tent side to unload our stuff had be in before 6:30 so I had an early departure from home.
I left at 4:30 and got down there just as the sun was coming up and the sky was sending out the reminder of an old Navy term
"Red Sky In Morning Sailor's Take Warning.
Which turned out to be pretty accurate

After I arrived I usually take pictures but I forgot my Battery for my camera which I had faithfully remembered to charge, but got an ""F -" for not remembering to put it back in. I did have my phone so I took a couple with that, I had not had a chance to plow through all the Stuff Mark had brought down so since people were already there looking for Cheese I went into rapid fire mode and got a basic set up going, in another 1/2 hr it got so busy I couldn't take pictures anyway I was as busy as a one armed Paper Hanger with the hives.
But got in the basic set up at least.
High Lighting the Popular Cabot Ski's
The appropriate cheese for the event the "Alpine Cheddar".
Even tho it was aptly named after "Alps" no matter how much they might want to "Yodel" Killington had a very strict "No Yodeling " Policy so please restrain from doing it.:-)
Even tho it was aptly named after "Alps" no matter how much they might want to "Yodel" Killington had a very strict "No Yodeling " Policy so please restrain from doing it.:-)
When Mark Showed up things went much better but it was still flat out for us.
We decided after the 1st day that we would double up, or at least overlap our hrs it was just too much for one.
We wanted to be able to engage customers and not just dish out cheese to the masses.
Saturday Morning when I arrived again about 6:15 right away I run into some Killington Personnel I think her name was Colleen, and she informed me that overnight several tents went flying even though Mark had installed triple the usual amount of weight the legs of the tent broke off and went "Para Sailing" through the resort.
So I had to start over from scratch and it was not pleasant because it was still very windy 40+ mph with a Monster Energy Tent They had basically set for me, but it was rocking and rolling to so I spent a bunch time getting to where I felt safe with it.
Saturday Morning when I arrived again about 6:15 right away I run into some Killington Personnel I think her name was Colleen, and she informed me that overnight several tents went flying even though Mark had installed triple the usual amount of weight the legs of the tent broke off and went "Para Sailing" through the resort.
So I had to start over from scratch and it was not pleasant because it was still very windy 40+ mph with a Monster Energy Tent They had basically set for me, but it was rocking and rolling to so I spent a bunch time getting to where I felt safe with it.
Still had several people , like the guy behind me, who got demolished as well.
People came flying in even before it was officially opened and once again it was flat out and I was happy when Mark made it in.
Snowing Blowing and Carrying on.
Great rendition of Our "Star Spangled Banner" gave me chills and not because cold either.
Every inch of the place was packed even the mens bathroom which usually not a problem had a line to get in .
Radio Station and Band stand were over at slope side.
Mark serving up our High Quality and very popular
"Slope Aged Cheesecicles"
Jasper Hill Eat your Heart Out..
Jasper Hill Eat your Heart Out..
Then when I arrived Sunday Morning it was 15° with a strong wind blowing.
For whatever reason they had toughened up security for the last day, so I could not go directly to my tent I had to make two trips through the security line with my cart loaded with our cheese 200 yds uphill over frozen gravel to get set up.
I guess it was needed and worth it since there were no incidents
So I am thankful for that.
I guess it was needed and worth it since there were no incidents
So I am thankful for that.
Picture of our Preparation area which I had kept my propane heater underneath the table to keep the cheese above freezing which had worked out very well for the cheese along with warming our hanfs up also, sanitary rubber gloves are not on the "North Slope List" of recommended apparel for -10° wind chill activity
My old Buddy Bob Pembroke stopped by for a visit and gave me a bear hug.
I wish this guy would have offered us up a pair of his outstanding socks they would have been most welcome.
Some other folks who were there "represent'n"
I want one of these for our next event Hint, Hint !!
22 Countries were there to compete in this event making a fabulous
"World Classed Event"
"World Classed Event"
Our Countries Favorite Participant Mikaela Shiffrin , Skied her heart out and had a roaring crowd in her corner too, possibly the biggest to watch a women's World Cup race, because believe me it was HUGE, they say Sunday there over 18,000 people there and I believe it.
She finished in 2nd place since she could not overcome a mistake early in her run on what had been appropriately name the "Superstar Trail" so she finished behind Germany's Viktoria Rebensburg.
So Glad I was able to be a part of this great event
Ovr'n Out
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