Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Highland Games supposedly started about 2000 BC.
BC,, in case you didn't know, means "Before Christ"  not
"Before Cheddar"..:-)

The Games were used in the beginning as a way to single out capable fighting men or soldiers, but since that time it has become a part of Scottish Culture even after the original reason was eliminated.
Since the Scottish clans made such an impact on the settling of Vermont it only makes sense that this tradition should continue here as witnessed here at Sugarbush Resort Today.
However I will not be tossing the Caber around but will toss some cheese around to power up all those who are participating in and watching

the games today.
So lets go at it.

As I left home and headed south to Warren I was thinking Wow! 
I hope this lets up today.

After I arrived at Sugarbush Resort it was cloudy but warm and dry.

Met this Holstein on my way in and she wanted to pose with my hat so I gave in to her wish.

 They had all the signs nicely placed everywhere with the venue for the day

So the 1st person I run into is walking a 190 lb dog.

Located my contact got inside the ropes and got all set up.

I was there early so not much going on so walked around a bit.

Saw the sign for getting some Haggis, which I have had before
and hope I never have to have it again unless I am really desperate, in my personal opinion the word should start with a G.

Pretty Dark Clouds on the Horizon

Got back and a couple of the other guys were getting ready to go.

Stone Corral Brewery was there with their suds.

Dirty Girl was waiting for them to open up I guess.

WhistlePig Distillery was there as well.

 So was MadRiver Distillery from right there in Warren.

The band  was all set up outside and getting ready to go.

Everyone else was all set up and ready to go too just waiting on people to file in, and as soon as they did the weather turned really bad.

And then it got worse.
downpours and high winds

After what seemed like an eternity the weather cleared and the entertainment started.
 The band had to be moved inside because they were anticipating more rain, which did happen, but as things cleared out they did manage to get some outside stuff done, but the band was playing inside the bar. 

Folks watching the Highland Dancers in front of the bar.

I was not near enough to fields to view any of the Sheep dog competition or the highland games but did run over and snap a picture of a guy finishing the hay bale hill climb.

The day was fun except for the lousy weather, although abbreviated it was a successful day.

Jim Ovr'n out

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