Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Main Event of the Day
Six Fags Amusement Park, Agawam Ma.
~ vs ~
Cabot 5 Star Cheddar, Cabot Vt. 
Guess Who Won ?
Everybody that showed up..:-)
Well Mother Nature Showed up too, but she rules the roost we're just hanging out.

As the Agawam People were amalgamated into the British Settlers culture in
the 1700's so was Cabot Cheddar Cheese, only it wa
s a couple hundred years later and still going strong today.
As you will see below.

Had to follow the site supervisor into the park to find our location,
and unload.
They are very cautious about vehicular traffic inside the park.

Found Our Spot got all set-up waiting for the gates to open.

Romeo manning the booth .

Things were going well then the rains came, thunder, lightning hail storm
which dampened the whole affair.

Video of the hail and rain.

Lola the Birthday Girl that stopped to seek shelter and have some cheese, she said she wasn't feeling well so I tried to cheer her up to make her feel better,
May have made it worse..:-)

Later on the weather cleared up and things smoothed out.

All  I wanted wanted at this point was the 57 Chevy to drive back home in.

In spite of the rain, hail, lightning it was a busy fun filled day, didn't have time to take many pictures we were out mingling among the crowd.

Good day, glad I could be a part of it.
Jim Ovr'n Out.

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