Friday, February 2, 2018

Jan 30th ~ Feb 1st

Once again the Cabot Creamery CO-OP is in attendance representing our Farmers at this event.
The Vermont Farm Show had its 1st show in 1930.
Cabot co-op had been producing Dairy Foods several years before that in 1919.
The Dairy Association has been around even longer, much longer it was formed in 1868.
Dairy has always been a part of Vermont, when the first settlers came here they brought cows to nourish their families and to graze the land. 
Dairy Farming really took off in the 1850's, and by 1880 there was around 35,000 farms here, the most in state history.

With no refrigeration during those times milk was turned into cheese and butter before it spoiled, so you can see why Cabot was able to sustain through those times up until refrigeration came into play in the 1880's
The Farm show has ran every year at a couple of different  locations except for a brief hiatus during WWII.
So here we are now at the 2018 Vermont Farm Show and Like the 

"Worlds Fair" it gets Bigger and Better every year..
This year is a especially  good year since one of our Cabot Farms 
"The Fairmont Farm" 
was announced as the 2017 Dairy Farm of The Year
Congratulations to all for that wonderful achievement !!!
Tour and read about their Farm and its History below.

OK Let's get this show on the road
Mark and I were were blessed enough to be working this event this year and what a great event is was.
The crowd was steady every day for the most part, a little slow early on the first day and very busy on the long 2nd day, as well as Thursday, the last and shortest day of the event..
We had great interaction with farmers and fans of the Cabot products and the fans were from all over the northeast and elsewhere, some from as far away as Washington State and Texas.
Day 2 is always very special since the Vermont "Future Farmers of America"
are there and it is so very refreshing to see all the young smiling faces as they approached our table, they had lots of questions about our line of products 
and about our Farmers and the co-op in general.

Thursday Morning they have a vendors breakfast and awards ceremony which we always try to attend and this year not only did we enjoy a great breakfast but got a "Best in Show" award for our booth.

We are very proud of that since it came in the same year as
The "Fairmont Farms" award as 2017 Dairy Farm of the Year.
A "Grand Slam" for the Cabot Creamery co-op.

Here is a video of just some of the folks and exhibits that were there. 
I hope you can watch and listen to the video.

Glad to be able to once again participate in this great and worthwhile event.
Until Next Time.

Ovr'n Out

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