Sunday, May 27, 2018

2018 Sports and Fitness Expo May 25th & 26th 
Prior to the Marathon on May 27th

1st Vermont City Marathon was held on May 28th 1989.
And just like the Worlds Fair gets bigger and better every year.

Unlike the famous Athenian "Phidippides" I did not have to run over here to work I could just casually drive over, stop for a creamee if need be, and get set up
so all the "Phidippides" wannabes could get signed up and do some shopping for sports gear.
But the most important thing was to snag a bit of pre-race protein like our Worlds Best Cheddar, and receive all the latest news and benefits about using our "Clean" and "Powerful" Whey Protein to build and maintain that lean muscle mass we desire and need so much
So lets get this show on the road.

Left home about 7:45 to head over to Expo had an uneventful ride over got there and got all set except loading the cheese tub and walked around checking vendors coming in.



Glad to see Hannaford's were there since I had our Whey Protein on display and I knew that they carried it in their stores.







Great Partner I had for the day Josie Kennedy, daughter of Jimmy Kennedy
so producing and serving food was not new to her, and her father and I being from the same neck of the woods so I knew she had a good handle on hospitality and it showed !!


Some very enthusiastic Cabot fans I guess.:-)



Since it was Memorial Day weekend I thought I had best pay tribute to all those who served this country and giving their last full measure of devotion for America so we could enjoy Life liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness so I decorated with the Flags and the Cheese Dispenser in their Honor, Thank You
Rest in Peace Brothers..


This vendor group above and to my left in the aisle was made up of family and friends from Israel, now living in New York City they all loved Cabot Cheese and we had fun talking about it and it was also educational as well since I learned how to write and Pronounce (almost) "Cheese Party" in Hebrew so we had fun.


Unfortunately on Saturday about 3:30 I ran out of the Seriously Sharp bars but in my Cooler I had some Cracker cuts , Bars of various cheeses, and some shreds, so I used up the cracker cuts, then cubed (cut with a knife since I did not bring my stink'n cuber because I didn't think I needed it), all the bars that I had of various flavors, some Legacy Line, Alpine, White Oak New York Vintage and all the standard bars, CJ, PJ, SS so that allowed me to go on for another hr or so it was VERY busy, Wall to Wall People, Thankfully about 5:00 it slowed way down so it was not bad I got to talk more about the Whey Powder which generated quite a few questions from the Sarcopeniac's who didn't even know they were ones..:-)

My Cheeseless, Braceletless and almost stickerless table

At the end of the day a Mom and her cute little daughter came by and she was very enthusiastic about "Bessie the Heifer " so she left the Expo with it.
How could I not do that ?? :-)

I would have sang her the song but did not want to scare her and everybody else there, but in case you never heard it here it is.

Great event glad we could be a part of it.
Josie & Jim
Ovr'n Out

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