Monday, August 6, 2018

Killington Mtn is the 2nd Highest Mtn in the Coolidge Range of the Green Mountains, 236 ft Above Sea Level with a 3,315 ft prominence which makes for a pretty big bump in the ground, especially for skiing and a really awesome hill to fly down on a bike like they are doing right now, so buckle up your helmet and hang on and lets ride.
There is a Blue Grass Group Called the "Soggy Bottom Boys"
Who Sang the Song "Man of Constant Sorrow" written by a Vermont Boy
named Dan Tyminski who was born in Rutland VT not far from Killington.
Which made me wonder if they were connected in someway since Friday on the Mtn there were plenty of "Soggy Bottoms" present.
Rain off and on almost all day.
But I digress let get going on this Cheese Party.

Got there early and it was a lonely looking spot early on not raining just yet but get'n ready for it.

Didn't take many pictures early on since it was raining and cloudy & most of my visitors were participants, the spectator crowd was pretty slow.

But the Participants were more than happy that I was there, they needed the energy boost and I could have handed out 500 Whey Smoothies if they were available, they loved the Whey Powder.

And the ready to go Cracker Cuts Idea also, and when it comes to flying down a mountain whether on a snowboard in winter, or summer on a Mt'n bike both types like "Shred'n" the slopes :-)

Saturday was a different animal it was busy from the 1st whistle
So I'm glad Ezra was with me for the day it made it less strenuous and having a Farmer there represent'n was a big plus as well, not to mention we enjoyed each others company too, my Great, Grand Father was named Ezra and Richardson and Richards are pretty close also.
Saturday the VT Dept of Tourism showed up and were right next to us.
MTB Singletracks Trails were on the other side.

Lots of great Vendors there from all over the country.

We were right by the finish line so we could keep track of the action and we fed the announcers too so they gave Cabot some good props as well..:-)

The "Red Bull" Group was there and these young ladies loved Cabot Cheese and were all over it like a bad rash. Nothing "Bullish" about these two though.

Ezra Working it like he owned on it, oh wait he is an owner.

Picture from the tent towards the slope and it looked pretty intimidating flying down that through the woods in mud, trees and rocks

Lots of Cabot cheese and Mt'n bike fans there from all places in the world and all ages both male and female riders.
Met people who had never had Cabot Cheese before England, Poland, New Zealand and maybe other places I probably never found out about.
Lots of good conversation about the names like Colby Jack Cheese and the good ole USA coloring the heck out of ours on occasion, started way back there in the late 1800's by Entrepreneur David Jack, if a little Beta Carotene color is good, then lets just make ours "Grater"...:-)

Overnight Saturday Night the winds and the rains came through and as usual on that Mt'n, we had some damage, but nothing severe just took quite a while to get set up & the wind was still pretty fierce so I had to sand bag (provided by Killington Staff) plus ratchet strap the back of the tent down to my Van to keep the tent and stuff from sailing off into the bright blue yonder.

Had to tie my Whey Brochure Holder to the Cheese Box too since it refused to stay put..:-)

Re-did/enhanced my Shred Display for the day as well.

Had another good day Sunday but it was quite a bit slower than Saturday but I hung out until the scheduled ending at 1:00 and I'm going to call it a successful weekend with more than enough action to keep me and Ezra charged up.
So I'm going to close for now & so glad I could be a part of it so in my best
"Queen " Voice

♪♪♪♪ "I want to say Good Bye Cycle ♪♪♪♪
♪♪♪♪ I want to say Good Bye" ♪♪♪♪

Ovr'n out.

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